On This Day, A little Housekeeping

I want to thank you for reading my blog. As I mentioned in my very first entry, this is a journey of reflection. At a definite crossroads in place, time, and circumstances (I know, isn’t every blog about that?), I hope that my words will offer a moment of understanding that can either compel directly to your life reflection or simply be an acknowledgement of an interesting story.

If I may, I would like to step back with a few “housekeeping” notes…
As I am bound by the backend infrastructure of this template, I have come to see that each submission appears in chronological order of posting. I have also noticed that the older posts get buried and/or lost on the home page. Honestly frustrating as each each blog was written to build upon the previous. So I do invite you to visit this page from the beginning. If you toggle to the upper three bars on the header, you will see the ARCHIVES and all the submissions will be listed from the first to the present, month to month. To further facilitate, as I write new pieces, I will be including pertinent links to past posts so you, as the reader, can easily reference the progression. All you have to do is click on the text that is highlighted in blue.

As I seek to define and capture an audience, I also ask you to share the blog with your friends. Not only contemporaries of my age demographic but to a broader base who might be interested in the stories of relocation, of life changes, of life surprises. I promise to build upon blogs that will compel on each level, for a diversity of readers.

And lastly I invite you to feel free to reach out to me. You are welcome to comment in the box after each post or send me a private email deniseweb710@gmail.com. All input is valued. 

"Home" with Baci
And, oh yes…did I mention that today is my birthday? True to an actual immersion of my blog, yes, I am spending it “SOLO IN SACRAMENTO”. I am doing my housekeeping and have celebrated with a cup of Peets Coffee (and acknowledgement of my Berkeley days) and a bite of New York chocolate, while reading stories of that great city (lovely gifts from thoughtful friends). My dog, Baci, is resting at my feet. (I know that such moments with him are becoming preciously numbered.)

And how can I resist just a few thoughts…

Through The Years
After all these birthdays later…some spent in the glory of celebration, others quietly in unquestioned crossroads of loneliness that ultimately compelled a choice of hope or resignation…I am not sure how to assess this annual passage. I don’t feel any older. I don’t really want to admit I look older. I still think I am the girl in upper right hand corner of this collage. But deep down inside, I know that I am not “young-ish”; that the days and the options are diminishing. 

I know; I know I must be grateful and look for the positive, no matter how deep I have to dig to discover it. I know; I know that I must be strong, no matter how often I just want to give up. I know; I know, I must believe that life, in an instant, can present an unexpected surprise that will make all that is frightening and unsure diminish. I know, I know. I have lived long enough, been in enough therapy, been through enough good and bad to intellectually process the psychological ramifications.

A past, recent birthday celebration
in New York City
So…on yet ANOTHER birthday, I celebrate in a quiet way, in that personal corner of reality that acknowledges remembrances and realness. I spend the hours of this and every day in my actual, right now Sacramento world. What better way to sort through it all by making the newness familiar and promising while writing about the past so it is tidily wrapped in a package of telling words?

On this day, SOLO IN SACRAMENTO…cherishing the moments with an aging best friend, with some coffee and chocolate and a good book, a little housekeeping, and a lot of acceptance.


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