Solo In Sacramento

Welcome. I am sure you are asking why would I read this blog about being alone in a small(ish) city in the middle of nowhere?  Well, sometimes in life you find yourself in what seems like the unimaginable.  And within this metaphor for the unexpected, the unknown, there are stories to be told. These are mine.

To begin, two introductory observations about the title and direction of this blog…

On Sacramento…

When I was in college, my first bona fide boyfriend was from Sacramento. He told me how much he loved it and that he would return home after graduation. “Well, this (relationship) isn’t going to work” was my response. After all, I was the city girl who wanted to travel the world, discover the unknown. Ah, the arrogance of youth. Be careful of what you don’t seek.
I am told that Sacramento is the current “happening” town in California -- as the exodus from expensive cities and tony suburbs drive people in search of a “compromise”.  In a sense it can be any place on the brink that symbolizes rebirth, newness, hope.  I am one of these transplants and in the coming blogs I will share my observations. I am here and I will discover the possibilities.
Oh, by the way, I recently learned that that boyfriend is NOT now living in Sacramento. In the telling words of Alanis Morissette, isn’t it ironic?

On Being Solo..

This blog is not only about Sacramento. It is just the current backdrop. I also hope to share with you the stories that led up to this moment in my lifetime…some are poignant, some challenging, some fall-to-your-knees heart wrenching, some hilarious.
As we begin, I must tell you a little bit about me. The “voice” that will resonate in my storytelling reflects a life fully lived—for better and worse.  I am going to be 66 years old next month. 80 year olds tell me I am just a baby. 30 somethings simply roll their eyes. I wish I could tell you that I am peacefully preparing myself to go quietly into the sunset but there is nothing passive about my world. I am single. I am starting all over again. Life continues to unveil at mach speed.  And...I am bursting with thoughts and reflective words.
So I invite you to enter into this journey of what was and is. And together we will learn why and, perhaps, what will finally be.


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